Online Scheduling

How Marketing Drives Culture Shifts at Cleveland Clinic

Paul Matsen, Chief Marketing Officer of Cleveland Clinic

Imagine if the CEO of your top-rated health system turned to you and asked you to use marketing as a lever to change the culture of your organization. Sounds like a dream come true, right? For Paul Matsen, CMO of Cleveland Clinic, this level of support and confidence from the highest levels of the organization is not a Read More

Cleveland Clinic Turns to Marketing to Lead Culture Change

Paul Matsen, Chief Marketing Officer of Cleveland Clinic

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // How often does this happen? The CEO of your top-rated health system turns to your marketing team, and directs you to use marketing as a lever to change the culture of your organization. Marketers in many health systems may only dream of this level of support and confidence, but Read More

Starred Reviews Work for Amazon—and Piedmont Healthcare

Matt Gove, chief consumer officer at Piedmont Healthcare

The most influential source in selecting a physician may be a recommendation from a friend or family member, but it doesn’t stop there. “When you get a recommendation from someone you know, one of the first things you do is look online to find more information about that physician,” says Matt Gove, Chief Consumer Officer Read More

You Don’t Offer Online Appointment Scheduling? You’re Leaving Money on the Table

Penn thumbnail logo

In our self-service, digitally enabled world, healthcare consumers get annoyed when they can’t do something as basic as scheduling an appointment online. Ignoring patient demands for access and convenience can be a costly mistake, resulting in low satisfaction scores, or worse, losing out to competitors. A few years ago, Clinical Care Associates (CCA) decided it was time Read More

What Do Customers Hate About Your Hospital’s Website?

Are your website visitors captive customers? When an organization fails to meet customer expectations—and the bar has been set high by industries outside of healthcare—the impact on brand can be great. More than a third of visitors to health system websites surveyed by Greystone.Net and Klein & Partners, creators of gSight™, a healthcare and hospital Read More

Captive Customers: Do Your Patients Visit Your Website Because They Want To or Because They Have To?

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // “Every single touchpoint you have in healthcare, we should have the same consistent experience,” says Chantal Stephens of Orlando Health, formerly of Ritz-Carlton and Disney, two organizations renowned for exceptional customer service (eHST, January 2016). The implied word in this sentence is “positive”—a consistent positive experience. When any aspect Read More

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