Free Weekly Ezine from eHealthcare Strategy & Trends

Evidence-Based Design Moves Beyond Mere Aesthetics To Drive Results

“We’re lucky enough to live in an era when design is no longer viewed as decoration,” says Emily Kagan Trenchard, Associate Vice President of Digital Marketing Strategy for Northwell Health (formerly the North Shore-LIJ Health System). But even though “[w]e understand it as a core principle that shapes our everyday interaction…that doesn’t always mean we Read More

After the New Website, What Comes Next?

With so many major changes occurring in every aspect of healthcare, health systems today are advancing into new realms and evolving new models to better serve constituents. This means that before one major project is complete, a new one is already on the drawing board. Such is the case with the digital marketing agenda of Read More

Why Orlando Health Shifted to a Patient-First Strategy

The social media budget at Orlando Health will double next year. But the health system’s social media strategy was anything but robust four years ago when Chantal Stephens came on board as Director of Marketing and Physician Sales. “Social media at the time was a very small part of the marketing story. It was a Read More

Case Study: Creating a Social Media “Command Center”

Social media has become a critical component of the digital marketing mix for most healthcare organizations. Social media command centers are making it possible for lean marketing teams to listen, respond, and engage with growing numbers of consumers on multiple platforms, and share information across the organization. Some command centers are fishbowl-style physical spaces designed Read More

Ask the Expert: From E-Greetings to E-Healthcare

Scott Mowery, Director of Digital Services at Cleveland Clinic, presented at HCIC 2015. He used to work at American Greetings Interactive, and his background in e-commerce intrigued us. According to Scott, there’s a lot of overlap between e-commerce and healthcare marketing: “At American Greetings [my whole job was about] seeing how many subscribers turned into paying Read More

How To Improve Your Healthcare Facility’s Online Reputation

Sixty-six percent of respondents to Nielsen’s 2015 Global Trust in Advertising survey say they trust consumer opinions posted online. Reviews are the third-most-trusted source, after recommendations from friends and family (83 percent), and branded websites (70 percent). Yet Pew Research statistics indicate that only 3 to 4 percent of consumers write online reviews of treatments, hospitals, Read More

Blogging Maximizes Impact and Reduces Workload for Nebraska Medicine

To say that the past couple of years at Nebraska Medicine have been a busy time would be an understatement. As if launching a new name and brand weren’t enough, Nebraska Medicine completed the clinical integration of three separate entities into one operating unit, all while dealing with the international press as one of three Read More

The Hospital Intranet: A Powerful Yet Oft-Neglected Tool

Public-facing hospital websites are getting a lot of attention these days. Healthcare organizations are re-platforming and redesigning their sites to achieve organizational goals and live up to consumer expectations of the digital experience. With so many pressing demands and competing priorities, a health system’s intranet may be placed on the back burner for years. But Read More

Community Building: It’s Not All About You

Dan Dunlop, Jennings

“If you’ve worked in healthcare marketing for more than a few months, you’ve undoubtedly faced a request from a service line leader who wants to see a photo of himself or his team prominently featured in an ad,” says Dan Dunlop, president and CEO of Jennings, an advertising and brand development agency, and member of the Read More

How To Deliver Your Digital Brand Effectively and Consistently

“Delivering your brand promise through digital channels is obviously important to marketers at hospitals, health systems, and other healthcare organizations today,” note Mike Reinhardt and Phil Harding. “But what does delivering brand promise through digital really mean, and more important, how do you execute that delivery?” Reinhardt and Harding, both of Monigle Associates in Denver, Read More

Should You Provide Online Physician Reviews?

Your health system’s marketing messages focus on the positive attributes of your organization and all the great services you have to offer. They capture the essence of your brand. But what do your patients actually say about you and the care they receive from your providers? Are you delivering on your brand promise from their Read More

Drupal the Right CMS Fit for The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

When James Yanek joined The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) in 2011 as Director of Web Strategy, he saw the opportunity as well as the need to redesign the organization’s website, bring it up to today’s standards, and ensure that it was aligned with organizational objectives. The first step was to restructure the Web strategy Read More

Converting Prospects to Patients: Effective Tools for Hospital Websites

Stephen Moegling

“Hospitals are becoming savvier at using their website vehicles to convert prospective patients in the ‘golden moment’ when those prospects are making active healthcare decisions,” says Stephen Moegling. Moegling is a partner at Franklin Street, a healthcare branding and digital marketing firm based in Richmond, Virginia. “In addition, because the decision-making for complex healthcare solutions Read More

New Tool Reveals User Experience Insights on Hospital Websites

Are you about to embark on a major overhaul of your health system’s website? A before-and-after user experience survey could help you prove that the investment was worth every penny. Or, maybe you just launched your new website and are itching to find out what site visitors think of it. gSight℠, a new Web experience Read More

New CMS Means Self-Service Content Creation for Stanford Medicine

Stanford Medicine Logo

When Stanford Medicine decided it was time to replace its legacy platform, Dreamweaver, and look for a new enterprise Web content management platform, the number-one priority was ease of use by content authors. The Stanford Medicine Web presence consists of more than 200,000 pages; 825 websites; and 500 content authors. “Our vision for a target Read More

An Expert’s Take on Staying Current With Your Digital Healthcare Marketing

Paul Griffith

In our latest story, eHealthcare Strategy & Trends interviews Paul Griffiths, MedTouch CEO and Founding Partner, to get the 50,000-foot view of CMS re-platforming projects, what it takes to succeed, and what healthcare organizations hope to achieve. MedTouch is a Platinum Sitecore Implementation Partner and works exclusively with healthcare organizations. Sitecore is a Web content management system Read More

Text Messaging Increases Satisfaction and Reduces No-Shows

Eskenazi Health in Indianapolis, Indiana is one of the largest safety net health systems in the U.S., providing care to nearly a million outpatient visitors a year. Some of its 38 multispecialty clinics were experiencing no-show rates for office visits of up to 40 percent. “One of our clinics, which you would think would have a Read More

New Partnership Models Connect Healthcare Providers and Entrepreneurs

In June, Aurora Health Care in Wisconsin announced its investment in StartUp Health, a global entrepreneurship development company. “Aurora Health Care is taking a lead investor role in StartUp Health to help expedite the review and adoption of innovations designed to transform the delivery of care,” says Rick Klein, Executive Vice President of Aurora’s Enterprise Read More

Case Study: Drive More Patient Portal Signups and Usage

“Healthcare portals are huge,” says Caty Wolf, Manager of Marketing Communications at WellSpan Health, an integrated health system in central Pennsylvania. Wolf is responsible for CRM and marketing automation. She works with LionShare’s business intelligence and CRM platform, DIATA®. WellSpan is using marketing automation to acquire and activate consumers on its patient portal. “[A portal Read More

What Happens to Patients With Chronic Diseases Between Office Visits?

Vivify Health Logo

As hospitals and health organizations move toward population health and engage in value-based contracting, managing patients with chronic diseases effectively and efficiently has risen to the top of the agenda. “It would be great if the patient is giving you information every day in a way that helps drive workflow around urgency and kicking out Read More

How a 200-Year-Old Hospital Prioritizes Digital Innovation

Shawn Gross, Chief Digital Strategist at White Rhino

One way to accelerate consumer-facing digital technologies in established health care organizations is to carve out a dedicated team focused on innovation. “When Massachusetts General Hospital formed the Healthcare Transformation Lab, a startup group within the 200-year-old institution, the organization made technology in healthcare delivery a priority,” says Shawn Gross, Chief Digital Strategist and Health Read More