Geisinger and Henry Ford Health Leverage Epic Cheers to Fuel Marketing Efforts

Nithin Sathyamoorthy, Epic Cheers product lead
Epic is the dominant player in electronic health records, with U.S. hospital market share of 35.9 percent, according to May 2023 research from KLAS, reported by Becker’s. This figure represents 47.6 percent of beds — nearly double that of Epic’s closest competitor, Oracle Cerner (25.8 percent), which gained hospitals but lost beds year over year.
Epic dipped its (big) toe into CRM waters in 2020 and has been developing the capabilities of its CRM product Cheers ever since.
We spoke with Sam Seering, Cheers product manager, and Nithin Sathyamoorthy, Cheers product lead, as well as health system users from Geisinger and Henry Ford Health to learn how they use Cheers and what is on the roadmap.
“One of the main benefits of Cheers for us so far has been that it enables us to leverage the Epic data structure and do real-time outreach to the patients based on that data within Epic,” says Amanda Jones, digital engagement director at Geisinger.
“Before we went into Cheers, there could be three campaigns running in three different tools by three different parts of the system, and nobody would know all that,” says Pravin Sapre, director of Customer-Focused Digital Solutions at Henry Ford Health. “Having all that information in one place is the first foundational step that is needed to have better data governance.”
Read the full article to get critical insights on Epic Cheers and discover how Geisinger and Henry Ford Health use it to power their marketing initiatives: Epic Cheers Update
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey