Are Wearables the Cure for Chronic Disease Management?

Dr. Richard Milani

Chronic diseases cause 70 percent of deaths in the U.S., and hypertension is one of the most pervasive chronic diseases. “A third of all adults in the U.S. have it,” says Dr. Richard Milani, Ochsner Health’s Chief Clinical Transformation Officer. “Only half of adults with high blood pressure have it under control. It’s a big Read More

Inside Look at Ochsner Health’s Apple Watch Hypertension Pilot

eHealthcare Pulse April 24 was a big day in the technology world. The Apple Watch was released. On the same day, Ochsner Health, the largest not-for-profit health system in Louisiana, announced that it was the first hospital in the nation to manage patients suffering from chronic diseases, using the new Apple Watch. “Chronic disease is Read More

B2C Marketing Predictions 2015

The results of an Economist Intelligence Unit survey, commissioned by Marketo, indicate that 99% of marketers plan to invest in marketing technologies in the next year. Here are other key findings: Impact on Revenue Of the B2C marketers surveyed, more than half (55%) feel that their marketing departments are regarded as little more than a Read More

Compelling Mission, Native Content, and Word of Mouth Drive Medstro To #3 Spot on Rankings of Physician Social Networks

Pressures abound in healthcare, and for some young physicians, change can’t come soon enough. “I experienced the pains a lot of people are expressing with the healthcare system in terms of the inefficiencies, care delivery, time with patients, what it means to have the patient-physician relationship, and administrative burdens now as compared to 10 years Read More

Marketing Automation Helps Kindred Healthcare Deliver the Right Message at the Right Time to the Right Person Across All Channels

Is your organization like Kindred Healthcare—trying to do a lot with a lean marketing team? Kindred Healthcare provides post-acute, rehabilitation, hospice and home care services in 2,787 locations in nearly every state. Early in 2013, Kindred began working with marketing automation service provider Marketo to extend the reach of its field operations team. “What we Read More

Learn How Kaiser Permanente Achieved a 69% Patient Portal Adoption Rate

Jane Weber Brubaker, Editor of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends

Patient retention is one of the many things healthcare marketers need to stay on top of. Can your patient portal help you retain patients? Kaiser Permanente thinks so. “A 2012 Kaiser Permanente study published in the American Journal of Managed Care found that patients with online access to their patient information were 2.6 times more Read More

Kaiser Permanente, With 4.8 Million Portal Users, Says All Healthcare Systems Should Strive to Provide Easy and Convenient Care

In a recent article, we presented a recap of the HIMSS15 Patient Engagement Symposium. One of the presentations during the daylong symposium got our attention and we wanted to take a closer look. Judy Derman, Director of Member Engagement at Kaiser Permanente, shared impressive statistics on Kaiser’s portal, and how patients and providers are using Read More

Conversa Health’s Clinical Response Marketing Concept Recognizes that Clinicians Need Marketers for Patient Communications to be Effective

Jane Weber Brubaker, Editor of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends

Wanted: Clinical Response Marketer. “This individual should have a strong grasp of consumer-friendly communications, be proficient in digital media including social media, and have the ability to lead the testing of different data collection and messaging approaches to find those that are most effective.” This is an excerpt from an actual job description posted by Read More

The Emergence of “Clinical Response Marketing”

Conversa Health Logo - eHealthcare Strategy & Trends

Seasoned tech entrepreneurs Dr. Philip Marshall and West Shell III founded Conversa Health, headquartered in San Francisco, in 2013. Conversa’s platform delivers automated digital checkups, helping physicians manage relationships with patients between office visits. A Shared Vision Early in 2014, Marshall and Shell met with Dr. Danny Sands, a leading figure in patient engagement, to Read More

“Patients Are the Most Underutilized Resource in Healthcare”—Patient Engagement Leaders Address the Current Challenges and the Road Ahead at HIMSS15 Symposium

eHealthcare Pulse The HIMSS15 Patient Engagement Symposium, one of 10 all-day pre-conference sessions, featured an impressive—and passionate—lineup of leaders representing government, providers, technology innovators, patients, and caregivers. #givememydamndata The central theme of the symposium, stressed throughout the day, was that patients need access to their clinical records to actively participate in their own care. But Read More

Ignore These 5 Digital Marketing Trends at Your Own Peril

Kathy Divis, President, Greystone.Net

Are you ready to run hundreds of micro-targeted campaigns each year? Kathy Divis, President of Greystone.Net (and member of the eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Editorial Advisory Board) thinks you should be. Not ready to stick your toe in the mobile waters? Divis says, “If you don’t have a mobile strategy, then you don’t have a Read More

The 5 Digital Trends Health Care Marketers Can No Longer Ignore

Kathy Divis, President, Greystone.Net

#HCMKTG SHORT TAKES In Part One of our two-part series, Kathy Divis, President of Greystone.Net shared her perspectives on the forces shaping healthcare marketing. Here in Part Two, Kathy shares “The 5 Digital Trends Marketers Can No Longer Ignore” from her presentation at the Healthcare Marketing and Physician Strategies Summit in Las Vegas in April Read More

Successful Pay-Per-Click Campaigns Justify Bigger Budgets for North Shore-LIJ

In this week’s ezine, we take a look at a case study we’ve recently posted online that explores how the North-Shore-LIJ Health System used successful digital marketing campaigns for specific service lines to not only drive profitable volume, but also to justify greater investment in this type of healthcare marketing campaign. What if you could Read More

North Shore-LIJ Health System Raises Brand Awareness and Drives Volume at a Low Cost Per Acquisition With Highly Measurable Digital Marketing Campaigns

What if you could reduce cost per acquisition by $200 or more compared to industry averages? “We’re running anywhere from 400 to 500 campaigns at a time across the country,” says J.K. Lloyd, President and Co-Founder of Eruptr, a Washington, D.C., digital marketing agency focused on healthcare. “We typically see campaigns that will convert for Read More

Digital Physician Relations Pilot Changes Model, Connects Referring Physicians to MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Digital Resources Using Social Media

Dan Dunlop, Jennings

Ask the Expert with Dan Dunlop Dan Dunlop, President and CEO at Jennings, and Lyle Green, Associate Vice President, Physician Relations, MD Anderson Cancer Center co-authored The Digital Future of Physician Relations, an article that appeared in eHST in August 2013. In it, they introduced the concept of using digital to reach out to referring physicians. Read More

10 Trends Dominating Digital Healthcare: Observations Inspired by Winners of the eHealthcare Leadership Awards

By Mark S. Gothberg The demands of healthcare reform and an increasingly competitive environment have led to accelerated digital innovation. During last year’s eHealthcare Leadership Awards program, I clearly observed that organizations have made major improvements in their websites and expanded social media. They are also using mobile applications to engage current and prospective customers Read More

ProHealth Care Manages Population Health for 150 Employers, 12,000 Employees, Significantly Expands Patient Base

Jane Weber Brubaker, Editor of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends

ProHealth Care has had a long relationship with Aegis Health Group, an employer relationship management solution provider. Two years ago Aegis introduced OneCommunity, its employee wellness and engagement portal. ProHealth Care jumped on it as a way to help employees stay healthier and offer employers even greater insight into employee health risks. “I can let Read More

Wisconsin Health System Keeps Employees in Local Businesses Healthy, Builds Relationships with Current and Prospective Patients: How They Do It—and How You Can, Too

ProHealth Care in Waukesha, Wisconsin has been working with Aegis Health Group for 15 years. Aegis is a provider of population health and employer relationship management (ERM) solutions that help hospitals and health systems connect with employers and employees around wellness initiatives. The rationale for ERM is twofold, explains Aegis Senior Vice President Yale Miller. Read More

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