Patient Portals

Teach Your Physicians and Staff How to Blog Effectively

// by Grace Jones // Starting a hospital blog can often seem like a daunting task. What should we name the blog? What topics should it be about? Who is our audience? How often should we post? These are all good questions to ask when starting a blog. Yet none of them matters if you Read More

Finding a Physician: Some Things Remain the Same; Others Are Changing

// By Joan Trezek // While healthcare managers, consultants, and physicians may differ on a number of healthcare issues, it’s a safe bet they agree on how consumers generally begin the search for a physician: They ask a trusted source—family, friend, or frequently their primary care physician if they need a specialist. Once a few Read More

Short Takes: Patient Portals in Practice

by Corinna Underwood A patient portal—an online hub that allows patients to log on to the Internet and have full access to their health information through a secure website—is an essential means for a practice to achieve maximum patient engagement. It also offers an easy way for patients to stay in touch with caregivers, make Read More

Consolidating a Hospital’s Brand Presence on the Web

by Ted Balowski Having an effective Web presence is critically important for a hospital or healthcare organization, but how should that presence appear for a brand with more than one location? Is it a good idea for a brand with multiple locations or offerings to consolidate efforts? In the past decade, there have been profound Read More

Did You Get the Msg About Healthcare, Texting, and HIPAA Compliance?

by Jennifer Busick Here’s the problem: You need a way to get critical healthcare information about a patient to a healthcare professional—or a group of healthcare professionals. Maybe a nurse needs to know that vital test results are ready. Perhaps an emergency room physician needs a neurosurgery consult. Or, perhaps the need is as simple Read More

Common Healthcare IT Project Mistakes That Lead to Suboptimal Outcomes

by Richard ‘RJ’ Kedziora How do you define project failure? Is it when the project costs more than the original budget? Is it when the delivery date is long past and the project is still incomplete? Or is failure defined by a completed project that does not fulfill the agreed-on requirements? Maybe it’s all three. Read More

The Connected Patient: Information as Currency in Online Communities

Dan Dunlop

// By Dan Dunlop // It has been said that the patient is the most underutilized resource in health- care. With the rise of the “connected patient,” clinicians, administrators, and marketers have started to place greater emphasis on patient insights and desires. Hospitals and health systems, how- ever, have been slow to address the changing Read More

EHR Best Practices Offered by Cleveland Clinic

Jane Weber Brubaker, Editor of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends

by Jane Weber Brubaker Cleveland Clinic was an early adopter of Epic’s electronic health record (EHR) beginning in 2000. In 2012, Cleveland Clinic launched MyPractice Healthcare Solutions, a branded version of the Epic EHR platform, to share best practices with other organizations. “Part of Cleveland Clinic’s mission is to share its experience and model of Read More

A New York Hospital Reaps Innovative Ideas from Hackathon

by Mark S. Gothberg A hackathon, where different groups of software designers and developers collaborate on specific projects for one day or up to a couple of weeks, has been around for many years. This past March, NewYork-Presbyterian sponsored the first hospital-focused hackathon in New York—and one of the few centered on healthcare anywhere. The Read More

What Are Best Practices for Physician Directories?

Ask The Expert with Mark S. Gothberg There is no more important feature on a healthcare organi­zation’s website than its doctor directory. This directory is often the critical first step for con­sumers to begin a relationship with a physician and develop a long-term association with a health system. For the millions of newly insured Americans Read More

Healthcare System Develops Hub to Congregate Its Mobile Apps

Cheryl Serra

by Cheryl L. Serra This month Intermountain Healthcare will begin promoting Intermountain Health Hub, a container application and nine applications that launch from within it. The apps and a mobile responsive patient portal also included in the container will allow users to learn about health-related issues and complete tasks related to their healthcare on their Read More

Is Your Appointment Booking System Ready for the 21st Century?

by Kris Rusch Scheduling medical and dental ap­pointments can be a source of frustra­tion for patients and providers alike. Patients often complain of long lags between the time they realize they need to see a practitioner and the date of the next available appointment. For people wanting to see specialty care pro­viders, the next available Read More

Aurora Health Care Creates a Best-of-Class Patient Portal

by Mark S. Gothberg “This is the story of taking an off-the-shelf, out-of-the-box tool – the Epic pa­tient portal – and making it a branded, differentiated, and best-of-class portal experience,” says Cindy Moon-Mogush, senior vice president of communications at Aurora Health Care, an integrated system that serves eastern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. Although the organization Read More

PinnacleHealth Creates Three Paths to Consumer Engagement

by Mark S. Gothberg “People always talk about how great is and how all websites should be like it. But a healthcare site shouldn’t be like Amazon, where a consumer buys a book and then browses the site for other things of interest to buy. People have very specific interests in healthcare, and a Read More

What Should Digital Healthcare Directors Focus on in 2014? Part Two

Ask The Expert with Mark S. Gothberg Winners of the 2013 eHealthcare Leader­ship Awards, the com­petition’s 14th year, were recognized in November in New Orleans during a pres­entation at a healthcare Internet con­ference sponsored by Atlanta-based Greystone.Net. The November issue of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends listed the winners. Last month’s “Ask the Expert” column discussed Read More

Patient Engagement? There’s an App for That

by Theresa Jacobellis As the American healthcare sys­tem is reformed, greater emphasis is being placed on wellness and prevention. Savvy pro­viders are harnessing mobile tech­nology to empower patients to be more engaged in their own health­care, with the potential to improve treatment compliance, enhance outcomes, and even maximize re­imbursements by reducing readmis­sions. Earlier this year, Read More

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