25 Years of Celebrating Excellence: eHealthcare Leadership Awards Are Open

May 2, 2024

// By Susan Dubuque // 

Susan Dubuque black and white headshotThis year marks the silver anniversary of the eHealthcare Leadership Awards. Join us as we celebrate 25 years of industry innovation and honor your accomplishments from the past year. The Call for Entries is officially open!

ehla-logoThe eHealthcare Leadership Awards recognize outstanding health websites and digital initiatives, highlighting the role of digital communications in achieving healthcare organizations’ marketing and business objectives.

This leading awards program draws about 1,000 entries annually. The Awards are open to all types of healthcare organizations, including hospitals and health systems of every size, pharmaceutical companies, ambulatory care facilities, and more. See the full list of classifications here.

The eHealthcare Leadership Awards are presented by Plain-English Health Care, publishers of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends and Strategic Health Care Marketing.

Why You Should Enter

There are so many compelling reasons to submit your finest work. But don’t take our word for it. Let’s see what some of our past winners have to say:

Linda, Emily, and Alison

“I always encourage our team to enter because it highlights their hard work and accomplishments throughout the year. It’s also fun to meet as a group as we review and talk about past projects and those we want to consider submitting. We love sharing the awards internally with our organization and executive leaders. The awards give us an opportunity to feature the entire department and the great teamwork involved.” — Linda Ho, executive director, marketing innovations, UCLA Health.

“The eHealthcare Leadership Awards provide our team with a great opportunity to reflect on and celebrate our work in digital initiatives every year. As we aspire to create more meaningful experiences for our audiences, our team is always inspired to see the work from other healthcare leaders in this space.” — Emily MacMillan, manager of marketing & creative services for Renown Health.

“We enter the awards show every year. It’s a great way to acknowledge our team’s hard work and the launch of major campaigns. We also enjoy the opportunity to participate alongside other healthcare institutions.” — Alison Pegg, manager of digital strategy for Nationwide Children’s.

Award Show Reflects Industry Changes

The field of digital marketing is constantly evolving, and the eHealthcare Leadership Awards are periodically updated to reflect the current state of our industry and allow healthcare marketing professionals to demonstrate the latest innovations.

This year, we added two new categories to the Awards:

Best Digital Marketing ROI and Outcomes. This award recognizes strategies that achieve demonstrable ROI, business goals, and positive community health outcomes. Measuring healthcare marketing results is crucial for optimizing strategies, allocating resources, and demonstrating accountability. Results may include ROI, conversion metrics (volumes, sales, form fills, appointments), campaign performance (impressions, clicks, CTRs), or community health outcomes (vaccinations, cancer screenings, smoking cessation rates). Judges will evaluate your reported results against marketing objectives.

Best Video Series. In 2022, Best Short Video Content (2 Minutes or Less) and Best Long Video Content (Over 2 Minutes) were added to the awards. These categories have proven so popular and relevant that this year we added Best Video Series. Submissions should include three videos of any length. Judges will consider effectiveness of the messaging, quality of the production, and cohesiveness of the series in scoring entries.

The three categories added in 2023 will continue to offer healthcare marketers the opportunity to showcase their accomplishments related to Best Digital Front Door, Best Digital Staff Recruitment and Retention, and Best Search Engine Marketing Campaign.

Here is a complete list of the 2024 awards categories. You may submit one item or project in multiple categories.

  1. Mark Gothberg eHealthcare Organizational Commitment
  2. Best Digital Front Door
  3. Best Overall Internet
  4. Best Site Design
  5. Best Landing Page or Microsite
  6. Best Internet Home Page
  7. Best Mobile Website
  8. Best Digital Physician Engagement
  9. Best Overall Digital Patient Experience
  10. NEW! Best Digital Marketing ROI and Outcomes
  11. Best Healthcare Content
  12. Best Rich Media
  13. Best Short Video Content – 2 Minutes or Less
  14. Best Long Video Content – Over 2 Minutes
  15. NEW! Best Video Series
  16. Best Email Content – Individual Email
  17. Best Email Content – Series
  18. Best Healthcare Podcast
  19. Best Social Media
  20. Best Interactive
  21. Best Digital Staff Recruitment and Retention
  22. Best Integrated Marketing Campaign
  23. Best Digital Marketing Campaign
  24. Best Search Engine Marketing
  25. Best Provider Directory
  26. Best Digital Leadership in Health Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  27. Best Care/Disease Management
  28. Best Native Mobile App
  29. Best Annual or Special Report
  30. Best Digital Internal Communications

Each submission provides an opportunity to showcase your best work and be recognized as a leader in your field. We hope you are inspired by the selection of the winning entries from the 2023 awards presentation.

Tips for Creating Winning Entries

  • Provide details. Rather than just providing a link to your new app or redesigned website, summarize your initiative in a brief description of your entry. This will help the judges understand your goals, strategies, tactics, and the results you achieved.
  • Share supporting documents. Although optional for some categories, this extra information tells the story and paints a picture of what you did and why it is worthy of top honors. And if you include some great images or video clips, they could appear in the highlight video during the awards presentation and in our coverage of winners!
  • Enter in Multiple Categories. You can enter one item or project in more than one category.
  • Provide results. The judges will be impressed with the results of your efforts, such as campaign performance metrics (impressions, clicks, and CTRs) or business outcomes (increased referrals, patient volumes, and ROI).

Many Ways to Get Involved

We look forward to seeing you in person at HCIC in Austin, Texas, for the 2024 eHealthcare Leadership Awards presentation, and we invite you to play an active role in this community-wide celebration. There are many ways you can get involved:

  • You can enter your work in as many categories as you like. Winners receive a broad range of recognition.
  • Volunteer to join our distinguished panel of judges. Learn about the many benefits of judging, including a discount on HCIC registration.
  • Become a sponsor — Diamond, Platinum, and Gold sponsorships and category sponsorships are available. (Contact us for more information on sponsorships.)
  • Attend the live awards presentation at HCIC in Austin, Texas, on November 10, 2024. There is no additional charge to attend — it’s included in your HCIC registration.
  • If you can’t attend in person, please join us for the virtual awards presentation in November.

Digital healthcare marketing significantly enhances healthcare delivery and patient experiences. The eHealthcare Leadership Awards provide the perfect opportunity for you to share your best practices and enjoy well-earned professional accolades.

We look forward to seeing you in Austin on November 10-13, 2024!

To enter, volunteer to judge, or learn more about the 2024 program — the 24th Annual — visit the official site of the eHealthcare Leadership Awards. The deadline for entries is July 1, 2024.

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