Content Marketing
Subtopics: Brand Journalism, Blogging, Content Strategy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Generative AI, Large Language Models (LLMs), Email, Infographics, Healthcare Podcasts, Video, PR, etc.

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Ignore These 5 Digital Marketing Trends at Your Own Peril

Kathy Divis, President, Greystone.Net

Are you ready to run hundreds of micro-targeted campaigns each year? Kathy Divis, President of Greystone.Net (and member of the eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Editorial Advisory Board) thinks you should be. Not ready to stick your toe in the mobile waters? Divis says, “If you don’t have a mobile strategy, then you don’t have a Read More

The 5 Digital Trends Health Care Marketers Can No Longer Ignore

Kathy Divis, President, Greystone.Net

#HCMKTG SHORT TAKES In Part One of our two-part series, Kathy Divis, President of Greystone.Net shared her perspectives on the forces shaping healthcare marketing. Here in Part Two, Kathy shares “The 5 Digital Trends Marketers Can No Longer Ignore” from her presentation at the Healthcare Marketing and Physician Strategies Summit in Las Vegas in April Read More

Digital Physician Relations Pilot Changes Model, Connects Referring Physicians to MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Digital Resources Using Social Media

Dan Dunlop, Jennings

Ask the Expert with Dan Dunlop Dan Dunlop, President and CEO at Jennings, and Lyle Green, Associate Vice President, Physician Relations, MD Anderson Cancer Center co-authored The Digital Future of Physician Relations, an article that appeared in eHST in August 2013. In it, they introduced the concept of using digital to reach out to referring physicians. Read More

10 Trends Dominating Digital Healthcare: Observations Inspired by Winners of the eHealthcare Leadership Awards

By Mark S. Gothberg The demands of healthcare reform and an increasingly competitive environment have led to accelerated digital innovation. During last year’s eHealthcare Leadership Awards program, I clearly observed that organizations have made major improvements in their websites and expanded social media. They are also using mobile applications to engage current and prospective customers Read More

Not Just a Physician Directory: Two Hospitals Get More Bang for Their Buck Using Healthgrades Multi-Channel Marketing Platform

Citrus Valley Health Partners in California wants to drive volume to service lines, and gear up for value-based payment models. The health system selected Healthgrades as its CRM provider, and launched its first campaign in February 2014. “The numbers from last year were pretty stunning,” says Martin Kleinbart, Chief Strategy Officer. Aubrey Hinkson, Marketing Manager Read More

Digital Marketing Platforms: How Citrus Valley Health Partners Got “Stunning” Results and Georgia Regents Health System Made $40 for Every $1 Spent

Martin Kleinbart and Aubrey Hinkson are on opposite coasts, and they work for two very different healthcare organizations, Citrus Valley Health Partners in California, and Georgia Regents Health System (GR Health) in Augusta, Georgia. What they have in common is that they are both achieving a positive return on marketing investment, using Healthgrades’ multichannel marketing Read More

MidMichigan Health Multi-Channel Campaign Featuring Animated TV Spot Hits the Target

MidMichigan Health was succeeding at getting people in the community to participate in health risk assessments. The problem was, they were reaching the “worried well” and not people who needed intervention. To remedy the situation, MidMichigan launched an advertising campaign, working with creative agency Neathawk Dubuque & Packett. The centerpiece of the campaign is an Read More

“Ask Dr. Internet” Campaign Drives New Patients to MidMichigan Health

We’ve all done it. A strange symptom appears out of nowhere and we go straight to the Internet to diagnose it, usually coming up with something far scarier than it actually turns out to be. That insight about human behavior provided the creative inspiration for MidMichigan Health’s “Ask Dr. Internet” TV commercial, the centerpiece of Read More

University of Pennsylvania Health System’s Digital Marketing Redesign Achieves Stellar Results

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Few would disagree that healthcare has lagged behind other industries in adoption of digital marketing strategies and technologies. Suzanne Sawyer, Chief Marketing Officer at Penn Medicine, the University of Pennsylvania Health System, made it her mission to change that in her own organization. “The discipline of marketing is changing and evolving,” says Sawyer. “We’ve been Read More

Precision Digital Marketing: Penn Medicine’s Journey of Innovation

Penn Medicine, the University of Pennsylvania Health System, has a long and venerable history. The School of Medicine was the first in the nation, and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania the first teaching hospital. In keeping with its legacy of innovation, Penn Medicine today continues to chart new territory, reaching new and existing Read More

5-Star Reviews Drive Prospects to Vascular Surgeon; How Effective is Your System for Capturing and Promoting Good Physician Reviews?

When Dr. Tif Siragusa asks new patients why they chose him they say, “Because you had good reviews.” Siragusa’s reviews on Healthgrades and Vitals have more than doubled in less than two years since he began using a reputation management service developed by Boston-based MDConnect. The service, ReviewMD, is built around a dedicated review website, Read More

Trinity Health and Christus Health Drive ROI with CRM

In this article, we speak to marketers in charge of CRM and marketing automation at Trinity Health and Christus Health to explore how the systems have enabled more targeted content marketing campaigns and better tracking, decreased the cost of campaigns, and improved ROI.

CRM and Marketing Automation: A Tale of Two Strategies

Jane Weber Brubaker, Editor of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends

Trinity Health plans to make all of its 87 hospitals accountable care organizations. As the system shifts from fee-for-service to fee-for-value and moves aggressively toward population health, marketing automation will be a key part of the strategy. “We’re going to pilot a marketing automation system at Saint Alphonsus,” said Sheree Esser, Trinity Health’s CRM Manager Read More

Social Media for Direct Response: Zooming In On Facebook Targeting Tools

Piedmont Healthcare in Atlanta and digital marketing solutions provider BrightWhistle were featured in our January article “Building a Facebook Community Creates Marketing Opportunities for Atlanta’s Piedmont Healthcare.” The article was based on a presentation at the 2014 Healthcare Internet Conference (HCIC) given by Matt Gove, CMO at Piedmont and Michael Sengbusch CTO at BrightWhistle. We Read More

Is Organic Reach Dead on Facebook?

Late last year, Facebook announced on its blog, “Pages that post promotional creative should expect their organic distribution to fall significantly over time.” In a related post on the same day, Facebook assured businesses that, “Pages still matter — a lot,” and for emphasis, added, “In October, for instance, nearly a billion people visited Facebook Read More

LinkedIn: 4 Hospitals, 4 Unique Strategies

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By Spencer Hunt What’s the best strategy for hospitals using LinkedIn? Consider these two examples. The updates Vanderbilt University Medical Center posts on its LinkedIn page frequently congratulate doctors on their awards and promotions. Advances in malaria and scoliosis research are celebrated, and job openings at the Nashville hospital—particularly for nurses—are featured. Almost 500 miles Read More