Content Marketing

Viral Videos Provide Multiple Ways to Share Organizational Stories

by Cheryl L. Serra What can you do with five minutes? As healthcare marketers are discovering, you can pack a lot of tears and tissue-grabbing—or guffaws, giggles, and sing-alongs— into five minutes. Healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to the power of video to showcase the emotional aspects of what they do, leveraging the relatively short Read More

Context Is Key When It Comes to Accurate Analytics

by Tomy Ames In the last month’s issue of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends, we left off when things were getting good: The importance of context when it comes to looking at your key performance indicators (KPIs). This month, we’ll examine how to determine appropriate categories so that you can accurately assess your site’s successes and Read More

How Strong CTAs Drive Online Activity at Baylor

by Lindsey Sharp A hospital website, in and of itself, generally won’t bring patients in the door and create long-standing doctor-patient relationships. However, when you combine a strong content marketing strategy with strategically placed calls-to-action (CTAs), you not only educate and engage visitors but also connect them with the people and services at your facility Read More

Did You Get the Msg About Healthcare, Texting, and HIPAA Compliance?

by Jennifer Busick Here’s the problem: You need a way to get critical healthcare information about a patient to a healthcare professional—or a group of healthcare professionals. Maybe a nurse needs to know that vital test results are ready. Perhaps an emergency room physician needs a neurosurgery consult. Or, perhaps the need is as simple Read More

Using Condition Content to Lead Patients to You Online

by Mike Maloney and Katrina VanTyne In 2012, Google published a landmark study about the hospital selection process, “The Digital Journey to Wellness.” According to the study, 75 percent of searches by prospective patients revolve around four specific areas: conditions, diseases, symptoms, and departments. Our web team at Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington, VT, Read More

On-Site, Broadcast-Quality Studios Put Hospitals in the News

by Theresa Jacobellis Jacobellis It’s a hospital media person’s dream: a major news stor with a healthcare angle breaks, and your hospital happens to employ the nation’s foremost expert on the subject. Unfortunately, unless you are located in New York, Atlanta, or another major market, your chances of landing an interview with a national news Read More

Healthcare Turns to Open Source Software

by Glen Doss A growing number of healthcare or­ganizations have turned to open source software to help manage their websites. Open source software is a collection of tools and technologies that are free to use, modify, and share. Two of the most popular open source plat­forms are the Drupal and WordPress content management systems. Both Read More

What Should Digital Healthcare Directors Focus on in 2014? Part Two

Ask The Expert with Mark S. Gothberg Winners of the 2013 eHealthcare Leader­ship Awards, the com­petition’s 14th year, were recognized in November in New Orleans during a pres­entation at a healthcare Internet con­ference sponsored by Atlanta-based Greystone.Net. The November issue of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends listed the winners. Last month’s “Ask the Expert” column discussed Read More

Protect Your Game: Hospital for Special Surgery’s Portal for Golf

by Julie Pelaez and Dagmara Scalise As a hospital marketer, you might have had this scenario play out in your head: Droves of new patients show up at your hospital simply because they know it offers them exactly what they need. And you didn’t even have to tell them about it! Instead, someone they trust, Read More

eNews Pulse, November 2013

WEBSITES/MOBILE APPLICATIONS Free Messaging Platform Intro­duced to Improve Medication Adherence. Care4Today Mobile Health Manager 2.0, which also works on a website, sends out re­minders on scheduled medications to be taken and prompts a response from users that is recorded in an adherence report. Caregivers can link family members to their ac­count. Go to Hospital Read More

What Should Digital Healthcare Directors Focus on in 2014? Part One

Ask The Expert with Mark S. Gothberg Key provisions of the Affordable Care Act will be in full force on January 1 – less than two months away. Millions of newly insured con­sumers will be seek­ing health services, with many of them having limited knowledge of how the healthcare system works or the providers serving Read More

Lessons Learned in Building the Brand Through Health Content and Social Media

by Mark S. Gothberg Conventional Thinking Often Wrong With its total national awareness far below that of Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins Medicine, Cleveland Clinic decided to take a novel ap­proach to building the brand. In March 2012, Cleveland Clinic launched Health Hub, a site very different from the organi­zation’s primary website at, and Read More

Hashtags on Facebook Don’t Boost Viral Impact

Facebook introduced hashtags on its news feed in June with the expecta­tion that they would increase reach. But a study by EdgeRank Checker finds that hashtags didn’t increase exposure at all. Posts with hashtags actually had less viral reach. Also, posts with hashtags had a lower level of engagement, and organic reach exhibited a slight Read More

The Digital Future of Physician Relations

// By Lyle Green and Dan Dunlop // In May 2013, a group of physician relations profes­sionals and thought leaders gathered in Houston to develop a vision for the future of physician relations. Recognizing the growing adoption of digital media by medical profes­sionals, the assembled experts sought to define the future role of the physician Read More

How Do I Best Create Valuable Website Content?

Ask The Expert with Ben Dillon Content manage­ment is one of the most difficult – and most over­looked – pieces of Web development. The average hos­pital website comprises more than 1,500 pages of unique content. Cre­ating and maintaining all that con­tent requires more work than most administrators can easily manage, especially if they lack full-time Read More

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